
Our Pandemic Platform

Click here to access and download our platform which addresses most of 2020's major crisis, dealing comprehensively with COVID-19, the inadequate COVID-19 response, the coming "Greater Depression", Climate Change, the and other urgent issues avoided by my opponents and the "money" parties.  The platform covers:

  • • Pandemic and Healthcare Solutions
  • • Income Support Solutions
  • • Economic Solutions
  • • Labor Solutions,
  • • Housing Solutions
  • • Protecting Vulnerable Populations
  • • Ensuring Continuity of Public Services
  • • Protecting Democratic Institutions and Processes
  • • Jumpstarting our Economy
  • • Repealing Bad Trade Agreements
  • • International Policy Reforms
  • • Monetary Policy reform
  • • Tax and Revenue policy reform

and the platform includes footnotes to easily verify under-reported, yet critical facts.

Click here to access and download our platform!



John's goals include passing legislation to protect the basic human rights of Georgians including:

1. Delivering Medicare to All

2. Free College / Trade School Tuition at public institutions.

3. Empowering our Economy by Investing in Renewable Energy, a REAL Green New Deal.

4. Minimizing paperwork and eliminating means testing for services that deliver basic human needs.



A. Ranked-Choice Voting: Numbering candidates in your order of preference

B. Human-Marked1 & Human-Readable Paper Ballots2 that are scanned by Ranked Choice Voting enabled ballot scanners, audited in each precinct on election night.

C. Automatic, Permanent3 Voter Registration and restoring felon and incarcerated persons' voting rights4.

D. Issue tax discount coupons for each election you participate in.

E. Pass U.S. HR 48 - Money is Not Free Speech, and Corporations Do Not Have Human Rights



1Ballot Marking Devices are suitable for marking ballots for visually-challenged and differently-abled person, pens and pencils are cost-effective and much faster for marking ballots for most voters, thus avoiding voting-technology caused bottlenecks, those unnecessary delays and lines at the polls.

2Voters selections on the ballot shall not be encoded into bar codes or other non-human-readable methodologies, which provide another means of rigging the vote.

3This will save the state & counties money on administrative costs, and end the ridiculous inactive voter purges. Georgia voters who have moved shall be able to change their registration address on election day.

4Previously incarcerated citizens shall have all their voting right instantly restored upon release. All incarcerated citizens shall be able to vote in all regional, statewide, and federal races, but not in county or municipal races.